How do permissions work? How is Confluence access controlled?

Dallas de Marr Updated by Dallas de Marr

Permissions in Docs+ are built into every interaction your users have with the platform. This guide provides details on how permissions work and the options available to your team.

What to know

  • Users Confluence permissions are automatically respected by Docs+
  • Project access can be further limited via our settings
  • We have account admin and channel admin user types

The main user is the user who initially connected your bot in Slack to your Confluence instance. This user requires admin permissions in Confluence to create a connection to the APIs.

The default permissions for all API calls we make to Confluence are automatically limited to the access of this main user and further limited based on user authorization (see below).

Some of our customers create service accounts for these users. Learn more

User connections

The first time users interact with the app they will be automatically be required to connect their Slack account with their Confluence account to establish connectivity and permissions in Confluence.

What to know

  • Your password is never shared with our systems
  • Every action you take in Slack (create, comment, etc) will be attributed to your account in Confluence.
  • Your permissions are based on your Confluence access.

You will be asked to connect your account when you perform you first action in Slack. You can also manually trigger connection by typing /docs-plus connect

  1. Click the Connect Now button in Slack
  2. Click Allow in Confluence
  3. Click the button to go to the home screen in Slack.

How permissions are applied

Learn how permissions would be applied to specific scenarios with the following use cases.

Case 1: User project access equals main user

In this case the main user has access to Space FIN (Finance) in Confluence and the connected user has access FIN (Finance) in Confluence.

  • Result: Connected user has access to FIN with the app.

Case 2: User project access less than main user

In this case the main user has access to Space FIN (Finance) in Confluence and the connected user cannot access FIN (Finance) in Confluence.

  • Result: Connected user cannot access FIN with the app.

Case 3: User project access more than main user

In this case the main user cannot access to Space FIN (Finance) in Confluence and the connected user has access to FIN (Finance) in Confluence.

  • Result: Connected user cannot access FIN with the app.
    • Why? The main user is the primary connection to Confluence and the apps permissions are inherited from the main user as a starting point. Every other users access is a subset of the main users access.

Case 4: User can view but not update issues in Project

In this case the connected user has VIEW access to Project FIN (Finance) in Confluence but does not have UPDATE access.

  • Result: Connected user can view issues in FIN but cannot update issues in FIN.
    • Why? Users can never perform actions in the app that are not allowed in the Confluence settings.

Changing the Main User

Changing your main account will reset your connections to Confluence.

Switching the main user can cause some disruptions for your team if you are already using our platform in production. The disruption is based on the authorizations that exist in Confluence for your API connection and the way OAuth works for connecting and authorizing with the APIs. If you are making this change it might be a good time to move to a service account.

The main impact for users will be requests to re-authorize their accounts.

  1. Log in to Confluence with the account you would like to use as your main user.
  2. Log in to your account
  3. Scroll down to the Docs+ Status section
  4. Find the Main authorized user is section
  5. Click the Change link
  6. Click the Allow button in Confluence

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